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Friday, October 23, 2009

City Tri Meet

The Mighty BCHS swim team as they prepare for the competition

The rivals BEHS also ready for some competition

The Diving team and they are from both schools

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Education Week: Failing to Learn From Failure

Education Week: Failing to Learn From Failure

If we need to learn from our mistakes why do we not change the system ? Education has essentially been the same for fifty years. As educators chase the next best educational solution but fail to see some of the fundamental flaws within the politics of education. I wish my fellow educators the strength and the determination to put aside the politics and stand up for the needs of the children.

KS1/2 PSHE - Talking about Bullying | Teachers TV

KS1/2 PSHE - Talking about Bullying Teachers TV

This is some pretty amazng stuff that needs to be addressed in todays schools

The Women of the David Letterman Scandal - Yahoo! TV Blog

The Women of the David Letterman Scandal - Yahoo! TV Blog

WOW !!!! Alright .....consenting adults + Late night host and a jealous ex boyfriend = disaster for all involved its sad !!!!!
I was sitting on the deck and decided to tape my backyard. It is a quite place to sit back and enjoy after a long day. My family and I have had many parties in this wooden haven. Sitting by a fire with a drink and laughing is a really good time
No it isn't winter yet but I just wanted to share some winter landscapes with you this is lake George in Up State New York frozen for the snowmobile people
One of the Last few covered bridges in the country

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

This is where we ate. The food was 1 step above Taco Bell But the service was good when they remembered we were there.
We had a great weekend though I am just writing about it now. This is in a night time picture of the throgs neck bridge after spending a great day with my girls it is a really great view of the bridge but my cell phone camera doesn't give it justice.

Dusk on campus

My Beautiful Daughter

My Beautiful Daughter

On Campus after a visit to the shopping mall.

Day time shot of the Throgs Neck Bridge